Contagious Generosity
Contagious Generosity
Generosity is contagious. God provides resources to be shared for the blessing of other people; He does not give it for us to keep. In this book, you will find powerful truths concerning God's generosity and His desire for us to reflect that generosity.
ISBN 978-0-89900-944-5
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"Every movement has its passionate spokesman: Bill Bright for discipleship; Rick Warren for purpose-driven living; Bill Hybels for reaching seekers; Ed Young for communicating creatively. Barry Cameron is the spokesman for contagious generosity."
"If you were blessed by Barry’s first book, The ABC’s of Financial Success, you’ll be blessed even more by Contagious Generosity."
"Wow! What a great book! Barry Cameron has given us, in Contagious Generosity, a clarion call to discover the joy and fulfillment of becoming and being God’s agents of blessing to others."
"Get ready to be surprised, challenged, and inspired. Practicing these principles will not only change your life, but change our world for the better."
About the Author
Barry Cameron is a devoted father and husband, bestselling author, dynamic communicator and Pastor of Crossroads Christian Church. Crossroads has a beautiful, 150-acre campus in Grand Prairie, Texas suburb of Dallas). Barry became the Pastor when the church was running 188 in 1992. Each year Barry travels all over the country helping churches through The ABCs program. Since 2001, The ABCs program has helped thousands of people with their personal finances and helped churches raise millions of dollars for Kingdom causes. Barry and his wife, Janis, have three children: Katie, Matt and Kelli, a daughter-in-law, Lindley, and a son-in-law, Johnny. They also have two grandsons, Will and Levi. Their family has been debt free since November 15, 2001.
Crossroads has been debt free since November 9, 2008.