Si tu quieres predicar por Don DeWelt (If You Want to Preach)
Si tu quieres predicar por Don DeWelt (If You Want to Preach)
Profesor Don DeWelt era muy querido como varón de Dios, predicador de la Palabra de Dios, profesor de la Biblia y publicador de libros para ayudar a los estudiantes de la Biblia. En sus años de entrenar nuevas generaciones de predicadores enfatizó la preparación primeramente del corazón y luego la mente para anunciar la enseñanza de Dios.
Este libro es un fruto de esos años de esfuerzo para entrenar bien. Escrito por él, es el texto que él utilizó en sus clases de Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri.
Creemos sinceramente que este libro le ayudará en la vida cristiana y, desde luego, ayudará a aquellos que deseen ser eficaces predicadores de la Palabra de Dios.
186 páginas
Retail: $13.00
Sale: $10.40
ISBN: 978-1-930992-62-7
If You Want to Preach by Don DeWelt (Si tu quieres predicar)
Professor Don DeWelt was a very loved man of God. He was a preacher of the Word of God, professor of the Bible and publisher of books to help students of the Bible. In his years of training new generations of preachers, he emphasized the preparation of the heart first and then the mind in order to teach the Word of God.
This book is the fruit of those years of effort to teach his students well. Written by Brother DeWelt, it is a text he used in his classes at Ozark Christian College in Joplin, MO.
We believe sincerely that this book will help in the Christian life of the reader and of course, will help those that desire to be effective preachers of the Word of God.
186 pages
Retail: $13.00
Sale: $10.40
ISBN: 978-1-930992-62-7
Other Books by this Author
Biografía de la iglesia primitiva (Acts Made Actual)
About the Author
Don DeWelt graduated from San Jose Bible College (now William Jessup University.) He received an honorary Doctorate of Letters from Milligan College. He taught for 15 years at San Jose Bible College and moved to Joplin, Missouri in 1957 to begin a 30 year teaching career at Ozark Bible College (now Ozark Christian College.) He and his wife, Elsie, founded College Press Publishing in 1959. From the time of his high school conversion, he preached revivals and presented seminars all over the world until his death in 1991.