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Other Side of the Keyboard

Other Side of the Keyboard

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Two worlds. One movement. Two fellowships. One body. It's time for a family reunion.

The Other Side of the Keyboard.  What does that mean? The keyboard is the instrument that separates two distinct fellowships - the Churches of Christ and the Christian Churches.

No matter what your predisposition, Milton Jones is on your side, as long as it's the side of the cross.

No one expects people to leave their instruments and sing only acapella music. Nor is anyone trying to coerce others to use musical instruments. This book was not written to argue with anyone, but in hopes that each side would learn something about the other.

The Other Side of the Keyboard  has 6 chapters and 64 pages.

ISBN 978-0-89900-918-2



"For people who are tired of vicious debates or who have grown weary of decades of silence, Milton Jones offers a readable and sensitive look at the issue of instrumental worship. This is not an attempt to persuade anyone to discard his or her convictions. It is simply an invitation for greater dialogue and respect among members of a shared heritage. This humble, courageous reflection is needed in a time when people in all of our churches are yearning to experience greater unity for the sake of our witness. I am convinced that church leaders and members from 'both sides of the keyboard' will benefit greatly from this long-overdue work."

-Dan Barham, Campus Minister, Christ in Action Student Ministries at Texas Tech University Adjunct Faculty, Lubbock Christian University

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