Ron's Reader Review of 𝑅𝑖𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑠
Ridiculous, a series of thirty-six devotional readings, is centered on the idea that God’s love is so astounding that it seems “ridiculous.” His is a love that doesn’t make sense; it can’t really be explained in a way that is fully comprehended by humans. And yet, this book challenges its readers to show this ridiculous, unexplainable love of God to others with their own lives, because the world longs for that type of love.
When I realized that this book is a devotional, I wondered if I would find it helpful. Devotional books tend to leave me somewhat high and dry; to me, they seem impractical. However, the authors do a good job of giving us devotional work that is practical, personal, and pleasant. Practical, because the devotions are very down-to-earth and guide us in things we can do to enhance our relationship with God. Personal, because the authors share their own experiences. And pleasant, because the authors have a very positive and encouraging style. They don’t come across as legalistic or “holier-than-thou.” Their stories are enjoyable to read and sometimes humorous and entertaining, but they still get the point of the devotion across, which is an improved relationship with Christ. “Loving an Imperfect Church” and “How Do We Love Those Who Hate Us” in sections 3 and 4 were particularly impactful.
I believe that college-age and young adult Christians, as well as older adults, would find the book appealing and helpful in their daily lives. It is both understandable and easy to read, getting to the point without being overly theological or academic, while also going deeper into the things of our faith than most typical devotional books tend to do.
Ron Zimmerman–, 63 years old, married, and a Christian for 49 years.